The Audemus Group
Privacy Policy

All of the businesses owned and/or managed by The Audemus Group adhere to a strict privacy policy regarding visitors and customers. We do not "capture" e-mail or IP addresses for any use whatsoever. Any use of "cookies" is strictly for temporary "shopping cart" purposes and are not retained except as sales records for the purpose of customer or technical support.

Customers may shop with any Audemus Group creation, affiliate or subsidiary with the confidence that they will neither receive unsolicited e-mail or other advertising from us, and that we do not sell, loan or give our customer files and database to any outside third party. We don't spam, period.

Any after-sale contact with customers will be in the nature of necessary customer service and any contact with visitors will be only as response to that visitor's request for information. Your confidence in customer security is priority-ONE with The Audemus Group.


Copyright since 1997 by The Audemus Group. All rights reserved.